
CC3NodeSequencer.h File Reference

#import "CC3MeshNode.h"
#import "CC3Camera.h"


class  CC3BTreeNodeSequencer
 An CC3BTreeNodeSequencer is a type of CC3NodeSequencer that separates nodes into a B-tree structure of child sequencers. More...
class  CC3LocalContentNodeAcceptor
 A type of CC3LocalContentNodeEvaluator that accepts all nodes with local content, and rejects all other nodes. More...
class  CC3LocalContentNodeEvaluator
 A type of CC3NodeEvaluator that specializes in evaluating only CC3Nodes with local content. More...
class  CC3MeshNodeArraySequencer
 An CC3MeshNodeArraySequencer is a type of CC3NodeArraySequencer that only accepts mesh nodes, in addition to whatever other evaluation criteria is set by the evaluator property. More...
class  CC3MeshNodeArraySequencerGroupMeshes
 An CC3MeshNodeArraySequencerGroupTextures is a type of CC3MeshNodeArraySequencer that groups together nodes that are using the same mesh. More...
class  CC3MeshNodeArraySequencerGroupTextures
 An CC3MeshNodeArraySequencerGroupTextures is a type of CC3MeshNodeArraySequencer that groups together nodes that are using the same texture. More...
class  CC3NodeAcceptor
 A type of CC3NodeEvaluator that accepts all nodes by always returning YES from the evaluate: method. More...
class  CC3NodeArraySequencer
 An CC3NodeArraySequencer is a type of CC3NodeSequencer that arranges nodes into an array, and groups the nodes in the array by some criteria. More...
class  CC3NodeArrayZOrderSequencer
 An CC3NodeArrayZOrderSequencer is a type of CC3NodeArraySequencer that sorts the contained nodes by their Z-order, which is a measure of the distance from the camera to the globalCenterOfGravity of the node's bounding volume. More...
class  CC3NodeEvaluator
 A CC3NodeEvaluator performs some type of accept/reject evaluation on a CC3Node instance. More...
class  CC3NodeRejector
 A type of CC3NodeEvaluator that rejects all nodes by always returning NO from the evaluate: method. More...
class  CC3NodeSequencer
 A CC3NodeSequencer instance organizes nodes that are added to it. More...
class  CC3NodeSequencerMisplacedNodeVisitor
 This visitor is used to visit CC3NodeSequencers to detect and keep track of nodes that are misplaced within the sequencer. More...
class  CC3NodeSequencerVisitor
 This visitor is used to visit CC3NodeSequencers to perform operations on nodes within the sequencers. More...
class  CC3OpaqueNodeAcceptor
 A type of CC3LocalContentNodeEvaluator that accepts only opaque nodes. More...
class  CC3TranslucentNodeAcceptor
 A type of CC3LocalContentNodeEvaluator that accepts only translucent nodes. More...

Detailed Description