Defines | Functions

CC3OpenGLES11Foundation.h File Reference

#import <OpenGLES/ES1/gl.h>
#import <OpenGLES/ES1/glext.h>
#import "CC3OpenGLES11Intercept.h"




NSString * GetGLErrorText (GLenum errCode)
NSString * NSStringFromGLEnum (GLenum gle)

Detailed Description

Define Documentation


LogGLErrorState logs an ERROR level description of any glError that has occurred since it was last called.

Like all logging macros, LogGLErrorState takes a format string and a variable length list of arguments. The GL error code and description is also added to the logged information.

Use the LogGLErrorState() macro and the GL_LOGGING_ENABLED compile switch to turn checking and logging of GL error state. Be sure to set the compiler switch GL_LOGGING_ENABLED to 0 when compiling for production code release, to avoid the overhead of making the GL error state call. This is important to maximize the GL state machine throughput.

Function Documentation

NSString* GetGLErrorText ( GLenum  errCode )

Returns a text description of the specified GL error code.

NSString* NSStringFromGLEnum ( GLenum  gle )

Returns a string containing the name of the specified GL enumeration code.