
CC3NodeVisitor.h File Reference

#import "CC3Matrix.h"
#import "CC3PerformanceStatistics.h"


class  CC3NodeBoundingBoxVisitor
 Specialized transforming visitor that measures the bounding box of a node and all its descendants, by traversing each descendant node, ensuring each transformMatrix is up to date, and accumulating a bounding box that encompasses the local content of the startingNode and all of its descendants. More...
class  CC3NodeDrawingVisitor
 CC3NodeDrawingVisitor is a CC3NodeVisitor that is passed to a node when it is visited during drawing operations. More...
class  CC3NodePickingVisitor
 CC3NodePickingVisitor is a CC3NodeDrawingVisitor that is passed to a node when it is visited during node picking operations using color-buffer based picking. More...
class  CC3NodePuncturingVisitor
 CC3NodePuncturingVisitor is a CC3NodeVisitor that is used to collect nodes that are punctured (intersected) by a global ray. More...
class  CC3NodeTransformingVisitor
 CC3NodeTransformingVisitor is a CC3NodeVisitor that is passed to a node when it is visited during transformation operations. More...
class  CC3NodeUpdatingVisitor
 CC3NodeUpdatingVisitor is a CC3NodeVisitor that is passed to a node when it is visited during updating and transforming operations. More...
class  CC3NodeVisitor
 A CC3NodeVisitor is a context object that is passed to a node when it is visited during a traversal of the node hierarchy. More...

Detailed Description