Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
CC3ActionRangeLimitA CC3ActionRangeLimit holds another action, and serves to modify the normal zero-to-one range of update values to a smaller range that is presented to the contained action
CC3AffineMatrixCC3AffineMatrix is a 4x3 matrix that can represent affine transforms such as rotation, scaling, reflection, shearing, and translation
CC3AngularVectorSpecifies a vector using angular coordinate axes
CC3AnimateA CCActionInterval that animates a CC3Node
CC3ArrayNodeAnimationA concrete CC3NodeAnimation that holds animation data in simple arrays
CC3AttenuationCoefficientsThe coefficients of the equation for an attenuation function: (a + b*r + c*r*r), where r is the radial distance between a the source (light or camera) and the 3D location at which we want to calculate attenuation
CC3BarycentricWeightsDefines the barycentric weights of the three vertices of a triangle, in the same order as the vertices in a CC3Face
CC3BillboardThis CC3Node displays a 2D cocos2d CCNode as part of the 3D scene
CC3BillboardBoundingBoxAreaA CC3NodeBoundingArea, used exclusively with CC3Billboards, that uses the billboardBoundingRect property of the CC3Billboard as the bounding area, and checks the bounding area against a given bounding box (typically from the CC3Layer), using the doesIntersectBounds: method
CC3BitmapLabelNodeCC3BitmapLabelNode displays a rectangular mesh displaying the text of a specified string, built from bitmap character images taken from a texture atlas as defined by a bitmpped font configuration loaded from a font configuration file
CC3BMFontConfigurationExtends CC3BMFontConfiguration to support cocos3d functionality
CC3BoneCC3Bone is the building block of skeletons that control the deformation of a skin mesh
CC3BoundingBoxDefines an axially-aligned-bounding-box (AABB), describing a 3D volume by specifying the minimum and maximum 3D corners
CC3BoundingVolumeBounding volumes define a volume of space
CC3BoundingVolumeDisplayNodeCC3BoundingVolumeDisplayNode is a type of CC3MeshNode specialized for displaying the bounding volume of its parent node
CC3BoxNodeCC3BoxNode is a type of CC3MeshNode that is specialized to display simple box or cube meshes
CC3BTreeNodeSequencerAn CC3BTreeNodeSequencer is a type of CC3NodeSequencer that separates nodes into a B-tree structure of child sequencers
CC3BumpMapTextureUnitA texture unit configured for DOT3 bump-mapping
CC3CameraCC3Camera represents the camera viewing the 3D scene
CC3CameraShadowVolumeA bounding volume that encloses a pyramidal volume between the view plane (near clipping plane) of the camera, and a light
CC3CCSizeToAnimates a change to the contentSize of a CCNode
CC3ColoredVertexDefines a simple vertex, containing location and color
CC3CommonVertexArrayParticleEmitterA CC3CommonVertexArrayParticleEmitter maintains the vertices of all particles in common vertex arrays
<CC3CommonVertexArrayParticleProtocol>CC3CommonVertexArrayParticleProtocol defines the requirements for particles that are emitted and managed by the CC3CommonVertexArrayParticleEmitter class
CC3ConfigurableTextureUnitA texture unit that provides complete flexibility in defining the way the texture will be combined with the output of previous texture units
CC3ControllableLayerA CCLayerColor that can be controlled by a CC3UIViewController to automatically rotate when the device orientation changes, and to permit this layer to be overlaid on the device camera if it exists, permitting "augmented reality" displays
CC3DeformedFaceArrayCC3DeformedFaceArray extends CC3FaceArray to hold the deformed positions of each vertex
CC3DeviceCameraOverlayUIViewControllerCC3AugmentedRealityUIViewController is a CC3UIViewController that adds the ability to display the 3D scene as an overlay on a background generated by the device camera
CC3DirectionalRotatorCC3DirectionalRotator is a subclass of CC3MutableRotator that adds the ability to set rotation based on directional information
CC3DirectionMarkerNodeCC3DirectionMarkerNode is a type of CC3LineNode specialized for drawing a line from the origin of its parent node to a point outside the bounding box of the parent node, in a particular direction
CC3DrawableVertexArrayThis abstract subclass of CC3VertexArray adds the functionality to draw the vertex content to the display through the GL engine
CC3EAGLViewIf your application supports BOTH multisampling AND node-picking from touch events, you should use this class instead of EAGLView
CC3ES1RendererSpecialized renderer that supports node-picking while multisampling antialiasing is active
CC3FaceDefines a triangular face of the mesh, comprised of three vertices, stored in winding order
CC3FaceArrayCC3FaceArray holds additional cached calculated information about mesh faces, such as the centers, normals, planes and neighbours of each face
CC3FaceIndicesDefines a triangular face of the mesh, comprised of three vertex indices, each a GLuint, stored in winding order
CC3FaceNeighboursFor each edge in a face, contains an index to the adjacent face, or kCC3FaceNoNeighbour if the face has no neighbour over that edge
CC3FogCC3Fog controls fog in the 3D scene
CC3FrustumRepresents a camera's frustum
CC3GLMatrixDeprecated and replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes
CC3GLMatrixDeprecatedDeprecated and replaced by the CC3Matrix family of classes
CC3HoseParticleNavigatorCC3HoseParticleNavigator confgures particles that support the CC3SprayParticleProtocol to be emitted in a stream, as if from the nozzle of a hose
CC3IdentifiableThis is a base subclass for any class that uses tags or names to identify individual instances
CC3LayerCC3Layer is a cocos2d CCLayer that supports full 3D rendering in combination with normal cocos2d 2D rendering
CC3LightCC3Light represents the light in the 3D scene
CC3LightCameraBridgeVolumeA bounding volume that encloses a volume between a light and all or part of the frustum of the camera
CC3LightTrackerDeprecated and functionality moved to CC3Node class
CC3LinearMatrixCC3LinearMatrix is a 3x3 matrix that can represent 3D linear transforms such as rotation, scaling, reflection and shearing
CC3LineNodeCC3LineNode is a type of CC3MeshNode that is specialized to display lines
CC3LitColoredVertexDefines a simple vertex, containing location, normal and color
CC3LocalContentNodeCC3LocalContentNode is an abstract class that forms the basis for nodes that have local content to draw
CC3LocalContentNodeAcceptorA type of CC3LocalContentNodeEvaluator that accepts all nodes with local content, and rejects all other nodes
CC3LocalContentNodeEvaluatorA type of CC3NodeEvaluator that specializes in evaluating only CC3Nodes with local content
CC3MaterialCC3Material manages information about a material that is used to cover one or more meshes
CC3MatrixCC3Matrix is the abstract base class for a mathematical matrix
CC3Matrix3x3A structure representing a 3x3 matrix, with data stored in column-major order
CC3Matrix4x3A structure representing a 4x3 matrix, with data stored in column-major order
CC3Matrix4x4A structure representing a 4x4 matrix, with data stored in column-major order
CC3MeshA CC3Mesh holds the 3D mesh for a CC3MeshNode
CC3MeshIntersectionRepresents a point of intersection on the mesh
CC3MeshModelDeprecated and renamed to CC3Mesh
CC3MeshNodeA CC3Node that draws a 3D mesh
CC3MeshNodeArraySequencerAn CC3MeshNodeArraySequencer is a type of CC3NodeArraySequencer that only accepts mesh nodes, in addition to whatever other evaluation criteria is set by the evaluator property
CC3MeshNodeArraySequencerGroupMeshesAn CC3MeshNodeArraySequencerGroupTextures is a type of CC3MeshNodeArraySequencer that groups together nodes that are using the same mesh
CC3MeshNodeArraySequencerGroupTexturesAn CC3MeshNodeArraySequencerGroupTextures is a type of CC3MeshNodeArraySequencer that groups together nodes that are using the same texture
CC3MeshParticleCC3MeshParticle is a standard base implementation of the CC3MeshParticleProtocol
CC3MeshParticleEmitterCC3MeshParticleEmitter emits particles that conform to the CC3MeshParticleProtocol protocol
<CC3MeshParticleProtocol>CC3MeshParticleProtocol defines the requirements for mesh particles that are emitted and managed by the CC3MeshParticleEmitter class
CC3ModelSampleFactoryCC3ModelSampleFactory is a convenience utility for creating sample 3D models for experimentation
CC3MortalMeshParticleCC3MortalMeshParticle is a mesh particle implementation of the CC3MortalParticleProtocol, as a particle that has a finite life
<CC3MortalParticleProtocol>CC3MortalParticleProtocol extends CC3ParticleProtocol to allow a particle to be configured with a finite life
CC3MortalPointParticleCC3MortalPointParticle is a point particle implementation of the CC3MortalParticleProtocol that has a finite life
CC3MoveByCC3MoveBy is a CCActionInterval that moves a target CC3Node by a specific translation amount
CC3MoveDirectionallyByCC3MoveDirectionallyBy is an abstract subclass of CCActionInterval that is the parent of subclasses that move a target CC3Node by a specific translation distance in a direction relative to the orientation of the node
CC3MoveForwardByCC3MoveForwardBy moves a target CC3Node forward by a specific distance
CC3MoveRightByCC3MoveRightBy moves a target CC3Node to the right by a specific distance
CC3MoveToCC3MoveTo is a CCActionInterval that moves a target CC3Node to a specific location
CC3MoveUpByCC3MoveUpBy moves a target CC3Node up by a specific distance
CC3MultiTemplateMeshParticleEmitterCC3MultiTemplateMeshParticleEmitter is a type of CC3MeshParticleEmitter that supports multiple particle template meshes, one of which can be selected and assigned to each particle as it is emitted
CC3MutableRotatorCC3MutableRotator encapsulates the various mechanisms for specifiying rotation, and converts between them
CC3NodeCC3Node and its subclasses form the basis of all 3D artifacts in the 3D scene, including visible meshes, structures, cameras, lights, resources, and the 3D scene itself
CC3NodeAcceptorA type of CC3NodeEvaluator that accepts all nodes by always returning YES from the evaluate: method
CC3NodeAnimationAn instance of a subclass of CC3NodeAnimation manages the animation of nodes
CC3NodeArraySequencerAn CC3NodeArraySequencer is a type of CC3NodeSequencer that arranges nodes into an array, and orders the nodes in the array by some criteria
CC3NodeArrayZOrderSequencerAn CC3NodeArrayZOrderSequencer is a type of CC3NodeArraySequencer that sorts the contained nodes by their Z-order, which is a combination of the explicit Z-order property of each node, and a measure of the distance from the camera to the globalCenterOfGravity of the node's bounding volume
CC3NodeBoundingAreaA bounding volume that defines a 2D bounding area for a node, and checks that bounding area against a given 2D bounding box, which is typically the bounding box of the CC3Layer
CC3NodeBoundingBoxVisitorSpecialized transforming visitor that measures the bounding box of a node and all its descendants, by traversing each descendant node, ensuring each transformMatrix is up to date, and accumulating a bounding box that encompasses the local content of the startingNode and all of its descendants
CC3NodeBoundingBoxVolumeA bounding volume that forms an axially aligned bounding box (AABB) around the node, in the node's local coordinate system
CC3NodeBoundingVolumeCC3NodeBoundingVolumes are used by CC3Nodes to determine whether a node intersets another bounding volume, including the camera's frustum, or to determine boundaries for collision detection during physics simulation
CC3NodeCenterOfGeometryBoundingVolumeCC3NodeCenterOfGeometryBoundingVolume is simply a single point at the node's center of geometry
CC3NodeDescriptorCC3NodeDescriptor is a type of CC3Billboard specialized for attaching a descriptive text label to another node
CC3NodeDrawingVisitorCC3NodeDrawingVisitor is a CC3NodeVisitor that is passed to a node when it is visited during drawing operations
CC3NodeEvaluatorA CC3NodeEvaluator performs some type of accept/reject evaluation on a CC3Node instance
CC3NodeInfiniteBoundingVolumeA bounding volume that forms a volume of infinite size
<CC3NodeListenerProtocol>This protocol defines the behaviour requirements for objects that wish to be notified about the basic existence of a node
CC3NodeNullBoundingVolumeA bounding volume that forms a volume of zero size and location
CC3NodePickingVisitorCC3NodePickingVisitor is a CC3NodeDrawingVisitor that is passed to a node when it is visited during node picking operations using color-buffer based picking
CC3NodePuncturingVisitorCC3NodePuncturingVisitor is a CC3NodeVisitor that is used to collect nodes that are punctured (intersected) by a global ray
CC3NodeRejectorA type of CC3NodeEvaluator that rejects all nodes by always returning NO from the evaluate: method
CC3NodeSequencerA CC3NodeSequencer instance organizes nodes that are added to it
CC3NodeSequencerVisitorThis visitor is used to visit CC3NodeSequencers to perform operations on nodes within the sequencers
CC3NodeSphereThenBoxBoundingVolumeCC3NodeSphereThenBoxBoundingVolume is a CC3NodeTighteningBoundingVolumeSequence that contains a single CC3NodeSphericalBoundingVolume and a single CC3NodeBoundingBoxVolume, in that order
CC3NodeSphericalBoundingVolumeA bounding volume that forms a sphere around a single point
CC3NodeTighteningBoundingVolumeSequenceA composite bounding volume that contains other bounding volumes
CC3NodeTransformingVisitorCC3NodeTransformingVisitor is a CC3NodeVisitor that is passed to a node when it is visited during transformation operations
<CC3NodeTransformListenerProtocol>This protocol defines the behaviour requirements for objects that wish to be notified whenever the transform of a node has changed
CC3NodeUpdatingVisitorCC3NodeUpdatingVisitor is a CC3NodeVisitor that is passed to a node when it is visited during updating and transforming operations
CC3NodeVisitorA CC3NodeVisitor is a context object that is passed to a node when it is visited during a traversal of the node hierarchy
CC3OpaqueNodeAcceptorA type of CC3LocalContentNodeEvaluator that accepts only opaque nodes
CC3OpenGLES11ClientCapabilitiesCC3OpenGLES11ClientCapabilities manages trackers that read and remember OpenGL ES 1.1 client capabilities once, and restore that capability when the close method is invoked
CC3OpenGLES11EngineCC3OpenGLES11Engine manages the state of the OpenGL ES 1.1
CC3OpenGLES11FogCC3OpenGLES11Fog manages trackers for fog state
CC3OpenGLES11HintsCC3OpenGLES11Hints manages trackers for GL hints
CC3OpenGLES11LightCC3OpenGLES11Light manages trackers for an individual light
CC3OpenGLES11LightingCC3OpenGLES11Lighting manages trackers for lighting state
CC3OpenGLES11MaterialsCC3OpenGLES11Materials manages trackers for materials state
CC3OpenGLES11MatricesCC3OpenGLES11Matrices manages trackers for matrix state
CC3OpenGLES11MatrixPaletteCC3OpenGLES11MatrixPalette provides access to several commands that operate on one matrix the matrix palette
CC3OpenGLES11MatrixStackCC3OpenGLES11MatrixStack provides access to several commands that operate on one of the matrix stacks, none of which require state tracking
CC3OpenGLES11PlatformCC3OpenGLES11Platform manages trackers that read and remember platform characteristics, capabilities and limits
CC3OpenGLES11ServerCapabilitiesCC3OpenGLES11ServerCapabilities manages trackers that read and remember OpenGL ES 1.1 server capabilities once, and restore that capability when the close method is invoked
CC3OpenGLES11StateCC3OpenGLES11State manages trackers that read and remember OpenGL ES 1.1 state and restore that state when the close method is invoked
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerThis is the base class of all OpenGL ES 1.1 state trackers
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerActiveTextureCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerActiveTexture tracks an enumerated GL state value for identifying the active texture
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerAlphaFunctionCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerAlphaFunction is a type of CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerComposite that tracks the alpha test function and reference GL state values for materials
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerArrayBufferBindingCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerArrayBufferBinding tracks binding and filling a vertex array
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerBooleanA CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerPrimitive that tracks a boolean GL state value
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerCapabilityCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerCapability tracks a boolean GL capability, indicating whether the capability is enabled or disabled
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerClientCapabilityCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerClientCapability is a type of CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerCapability that tracks a GL client capability
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerColorA CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerPrimitive that tracks a color GL state value
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerColorFixedAndFloatA CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerPrimitive that tracks a color GL state value, as either a float or fixed value
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerCompositeA CC3OpenGLES11StateTracker that tracks a composite value
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerElementArrayBufferBindingCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerElementArrayBufferBinding tracks binding and filling a vertex element (index) array
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerEnumerationA CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerPrimitive that tracks an enumerated GL state value
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerFloatA CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerPrimitive that tracks a float GL state value
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerFogColorCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerFogColor tracks a color GL state value for fog
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerFogEnumerationCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerFogEnumeration tracks an enumeration GL state value for fog
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerFogFloatCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerFogFloat tracks a float GL state value for fog
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerHintEnumerationCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerHintEnumeration tracks an enumeration GL state value for a hint
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerIntegerA CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerPrimitive that tracks an integer GL state value
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerLightColorCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerLightColor tracks a color GL state value for an individual light
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerLightFloatCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerLightFloat tracks a float GL state value for an individual light
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerLightVectorCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerLightVector tracks a 3D vector GL state value for an individual light
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerLightVector4CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerLightVector4 tracks a 4D vector GL state value for an individual light
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerManagerAn CC3OpenGLES11StateTracker that manages a number of other trackers
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerMaterialBlendCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerMaterialBlend is a type of CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerComposite that tracks the source and destination blending GL state values for materials
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerMaterialColorCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerMaterialColor tracks a color GL state value for materials
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerMaterialFloatCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerMaterialFloat tracks a float GL state value for materials
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerPlatformIntegerCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerMaterialFloat tracks a float GL state value for platform limits
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerPointerA CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerPrimitive that tracks a pointer GL state value
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerPointParameterFloatCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerPointParameterFloat tracks a float GL point parameter state value
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerPointParameterVectorCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerPointParameterVector tracks a 3D vector GL point parameter state value
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerPolygonOffsetCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerPolygonOffset is a type of CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerComposite that tracks the polygon offset factor and units GL state values
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerPrimitiveA type of CC3OpenGLES11StateTracker that tracks the state of a single primitive GL state value
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerSceneLightColorCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerSceneLightColor tracks the color GL state value for the ambient scene light
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapabilityCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability is a type of CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerCapability that tracks a GL server capability
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerStencilFunctionCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerStencilFunction is a type of CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerComposite that tracks the stencil function, reference and mask GL state values
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerStencilOperationCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerStencilOperation is a type of CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerComposite that tracks the stencil operations that occur when the stencil test fails, the depth test fails, and the depth test passes
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerTexEnvColorCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerTexEnvColor tracks a color GL state value for the texture environment
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerTexEnvEnumerationCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerTexEnvEnumeration tracks an enumerated GL state value for the texture environment
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerTexEnvPointSpriteCapabilityCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerTexEnvPointSpriteCapability tracks a boolean GL capability for the point sprite texture environment
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerTexParameterCapabilityCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerTexParameterCapability tracks a boolean GL capability for a texture parameter
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerTexParameterEnumerationCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerTexParameterEnumeration tracks an enumerated GL state value for a texture parameter
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerTextureBindingCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerTextureBinding tracks an integer GL state value for texture binding
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerTextureClientCapabilityCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerTextureClientCapability tracks a boolean GL capability for the point sprite texture environment
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerTextureServerCapabilityCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerTextureServerCapability tracks a boolean GL capability for the point sprite texture environment
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerVectorA CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerPrimitive that tracks a 3D vector GL state value
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerVector4A CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerPrimitive that tracks a 4D vector GL state value
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerVertexColorsPointerCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerVertexColorsPointer tracks the parameters of the vertex colors pointer
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerVertexLocationsPointerCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerVertexLocationsPointer tracks the parameters of the vertex locations pointer
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerVertexMatrixIndicesPointerCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerVertexLocationsPointer tracks the parameters of the vertex matrix indices pointer
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerVertexNormalsPointerCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerVertexNormalsPointer tracks the parameters of the vertex normals pointer
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerVertexPointerCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerVertexPointer is a type of CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerComposite that tracks the parameters of a vertex pointer
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerVertexPointSizesPointerCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerVertexPointSizesPointer tracks the parameters of the vertex point sizes pointer
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerVertexTexCoordsPointerCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerVertexTexCoordsPointer tracks the parameters of the vertex texture coordinates pointer
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerVertexWeightsPointerCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerVertexLocationsPointer tracks the parameters of the vertex weights pointer
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerViewportCC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerViewport tracks the viewport GL state
CC3OpenGLES11TextureMatrixStackCC3OpenGLES11MatrixStack provides access to several commands that operate on the texture matrix stacks, none of which require state tracking
CC3OpenGLES11TexturesCC3OpenGLES11Textures manages trackers for texture and texture environment state
CC3OpenGLES11TextureUnitCC3OpenGLES11Textures manages trackers for texture and texture environment state
CC3OpenGLES11VertexArraysCC3OpenGLES11VertexArrays manages trackers for vertex arrays
CC3ParticleBaseCC3ParticleBase is a convenience class that forms a base implementation of the CC3ParticleProtocol protocol
CC3ParticleEmitterA CC3MeshNode that emits 3D particles
CC3ParticleNavigatorA particle navigator is assigned to a single particle emitter, and is responsible for configuring the life cycle and emission path of the particle on behalf of the emitter
<CC3ParticleProtocol>CC3ParticleProtocol represents a single particle emitted by a CC3ParticleEmitter particle emitter
<CC3ParticleProtocol>The protocol required by this particle navigator on the particles, in order for this navigator to configure the particles
<CC3ParticleProtocol>The protocol required for particles emitted by this emitter
CC3ParticleSystemBillboardA CC3Billboard node customized to display and manage a cocos2d 2D CCParticleSystem
CC3PerformanceStatisticsCollects statistics about the updating and drawing performance of the 3D scene
CC3PerformanceStatisticsHistogramCollects statistics about the updating and drawing performance of the 3D scene, including a histogram for each of the raw updateRate and frameRate properties
CC3PlaneThe coefficients of the equation for a plane in 3D space (ax + by + cz + d = 0)
CC3PlaneNodeCC3PlaneNode is a type of CC3MeshNode that is specialized to display planes and simple rectanglular meshes
CC3PODBoneA CC3Bone extracted from a POD file
CC3PODCameraA CC3Camera whose content originates from POD resource data
CC3PODLightA CC3Light whose content originates from POD resource data
CC3PODMaterialA CC3Material whose content originates from POD resource data
CC3PODMeshA CC3VertexArrayMesh whose content originates from POD resource data
CC3PODMeshNodeA CC3MeshNode whose content originates from POD resource data
CC3PODNodeA CC3Node extracted from a POD file
CC3PODNodeAnimationPOD files can contain information to animate the nodes
CC3PODResourceCC3PODResource is a CC3Resource that wraps a PVR POD data structure loaded from a file
CC3PODResourceNodeA CC3ResourceNode that that wraps a CC3PODResource PVR POD resource
CC3PODSkinMeshA CC3SkinMesh extracted from a POD file
CC3PODSkinMeshNodeA CC3SkinMeshNode extracted from a POD file
CC3PODSkinSectionA CC3SkinSection extracted from a POD file
CC3PointParticleCC3PointParticle is a standard base implementation of the CC3PointParticleProtocol
CC3PointParticleEmitterCC3PointParticleEmitter emits particles that conform to the CC3PointParticleProtocol protocol
CC3PointParticleMeshA mesh whose vertices are used to display point particles
<CC3PointParticleProtocol>CC3PointParticleProtocol defines the requirements for point particles that are emitted and managed by the CC3PointParticleEmitter class
CC3ProjectionMatrixCC3ProjectionMatrix is a 4x4 matrix that can represent many non-linear 3D transforms, including perspective projection and orthographic projection
CC3RandomMortalParticleNavigatorCC3RandomMortalParticleNavigator confgures the lifeSpan property of particles that conform to the CC3MortalParticleProtocol
CC3RayDefines a ray or line in 3D space, by specifying a starting location and direction
CC3ResourceCC3Resource is a wrapper class around a resource structure loaded from a data file containing 3D resources
CC3ResourceNodeA CC3ResourceNode is a CC3Node that that wraps an instance of CC3Resource in the resource property, extracts the nodes from that resource, and forms the root of the resulting node structural assembly
CC3ReverseDirectionalRotatorDeprecated and functionality moved to CC3DirectionalRotator
CC3RotateByCC3RotateBy is a CCActionInterval that rotates a target CC3Node by a specific rotation amount
CC3RotateByAngleCC3RotateByAngle is a CCActionInterval that rotates a target CC3Node by a specific amount, by repeatedly invoking the rotateByAngle:aroundAxis: method on the target node as the action runs
CC3RotateToCC3RotateTo is a CCActionInterval that rotates a target CC3Node to a specific orientation
CC3RotateToAngleCC3RotateToAngle is a CCActionInterval that rotates a target CC3Node to a specific rotationAngle, by updating the rotationAngle propety
CC3RotateToLookAtCC3RotateToLookAt is a CCActionInterval that rotates a target CC3Node to look at a specific location
CC3RotateToLookTowardsCC3RotateToLookTowards is a CCActionInterval that rotates a target CC3Node to look towards a specific direction
CC3RotatorCC3otator encapsulates the various mechanisms of rotating a node, and converts between them
CC3ScalableMeshParticleCC3ScalableMeshParticle is a type of CC3MeshParticle that can be scaled
CC3ScaleByCC3ScaleBy is a CCActionInterval that scales a target CC3Node by a specific scale factor
CC3ScaleToCC3ScaleTo is a CCActionInterval that scales a target CC3Node to a specific scale
CC3SceneCC3Scene is a CC3Node that manages a 3D scene
CC3ShadowCastingVolumeA bounding volume that encloses a volume that includes the camera frustum plus the space between the camera frustum and a light
CC3ShadowDrawingVisitorCC3ShadowDrawingVisitor is a CC3NodeDrawingVisitor that is passed to a shadow node for drawing shadows
<CC3ShadowProtocol>The behaviour required by objects that represent shadows cast by a light
CC3ShadowVolumeMeshNodeThe mesh node used to build a shadow volume
CC3SimpleLineNodeCC3SimpleLineNode simplifies the creation of a simple two-point straight line
CC3SkeletonRestPoseBindingVisitorCC3SkeletonRestPoseBindingVisitor is a CC3NodeVisitor that is passed to an assembly of bone nodes (a skeleton) in order to establish the rest pose transforms for the bones in the skeleton
CC3SkinMeshCC3SkinMesh is a CC3VertexArrayMesh that, in addition to the familiar vertex data such as locations, normals and texture coordinates, adds vertex arrays for bone weights and bone matrix indices
CC3SkinMeshNodeCC3SkinMeshNode is a CC3MeshNode specialized to use vertex skinning to draw the contents of its mesh
CC3SkinnedBoneCC3SkinnedBone combines the transforms of a bone and a skin mesh node, and applies these transforms to deform the vertices during rendering, or when the deformed location of a vertex is accessed programmatically
CC3SkinSectionA CC3SkinSection defines a section of the skin mesh, and contains a collection of bones from the skeleton that influence the locations of the vertices in that section
CC3SoftBodyNodeCC3SoftBodyNode is the primary structural component for a soft-body object that uses vertex skinning to manipulate and draw mesh vertices
CC3SphereDefines a sphere
CC3SprayMeshParticleCC3SprayMeshParticle is a type of CC3MortalMeshParticle that implements the CC3SprayParticleProtocol to configure the particle to move in a straight line at a steady speed
<CC3SprayParticleProtocol>CC3SprayParticleProtocol combines the CC3UniformlyMovingParticleProtocol and CC3MortalParticleProtocol protocols, and represents a particle that moves in a straight line at a steady speed and has a finite life, as if a particle sprayed from a nozzle
CC3SprayPointParticleCC3SprayPointParticle is a type of CC3MortalPointParticle that implements the CC3SprayParticleProtocol to configure the particle to move in a straight line at a steady speed
CC3StencilledShadowPainterNodeThe mesh node used to paint the shadows cast by shadow volumes
CC3TargettingNodeDeprecated and functionality moved to CC3Node class
CC3TargettingRotatorCC3TargettingRotator is a subclass of CC3DirectionalRotator that can automatically track the location of another node, or a specific location in 3D space
CC3TextureEach instance of CC3Texture wraps a cocos2d CCTexture2D instance, and manages various texture settings, and applying that texture to the GL engine
CC3Texture2DCC3Texture2D is a cluster subclass of CCTexture2D
CC3TexturedVertexDefines a simple vertex, containing location, normal, and texture coordinate data
CC3TextureUnitCC3TextureUnit is used by CC3Texture to configure the GL texture unit to which the texture is being applied
CC3TintAmbientToA concrete subclass of CC3TintTo that changes the ambient color of the target CC3Node
CC3TintDiffuseToA concrete subclass of CC3TintTo that changes the diffuse color of the target CC3Node
CC3TintEmissionToA concrete subclass of CC3TintTo that changes the emission color of the target CC3Node
CC3TintSpecularToA concrete subclass of CC3TintTo that changes the specular color of the target CC3Node
CC3TintToCC3TintTo is an abstract CCActionInterval whose subclasses changes one of the color properties of a target CC3Node to a particular color
CC3TouchBoxCC3TouchBox is a specialized node that creates an invisible box mesh that can be used to define a 3D region for touch activity
CC3TouchedNodePickerA CC3TouchedNodePicker instance handles picking nodes from touch events in a CC3Scene
CC3TransformByCC3TransformBy is an abstract subclass of CC3TransformVectorAction that is the parent of subclasses that transform the location, rotation, or scale of a target CC3Node by some amount in some way
CC3TransformToCC3TransformTo is an abstract subclass of CC3TransformVectorAction that is the parent of subclasses that transform the location, rotation, or scale of a target CC3Node to some end value in some way
CC3TransformVectorActionCC3TransformVectorAction is an abstract subclass of CCActionInterval that is the parent of subclasses that transform a vector component of a target CC3Node (such as the location, rotation, or scale) by some amount, or to some value over time
CC3TranslucentNodeAcceptorA type of CC3LocalContentNodeEvaluator that accepts only translucent nodes
CC3UIViewControllerAn instance of CC3UIViewController manages a single CCNode (typically a CCLayer) as changes occur to the device orientation (portrait, landscape, etc)
CC3UniformEvolutionParticleDeprecated and renamed to CC3UniformlyEvolvingPointParticle
CC3UniformlyEvolvingMeshParticleCC3UniformlyEvolvingMeshParticle is a CC3SprayMeshParticle whose rotation and color can also be configured to evolve as defined by the CC3UniformlyRotatingParticleProtocol and CC3UniformlyFadingParticleProtocol protocols
CC3UniformlyEvolvingPointParticleCC3UniformlyEvolvingPointParticle is a type of CC3SprayPointParticle that implements the CC3UniformlyGrowingPointParticleProtocol and CC3UniformlyFadingParticleProtocol protocols to configure steadily changing color and size that vary linearly from an intitial color and size to a final color and size
<CC3UniformlyFadingParticleProtocol>CC3UniformlyFadingParticleProtocol defines behaviour required for particles that can fade uniformly from one color to another, or one level of opacity to another
<CC3UniformlyGrowingPointParticleProtocol>CC3UniformlyGrowingPointParticleProtocol defines behaviour required for point particles whose size grows or shrinks at a steady rate
<CC3UniformlyMovingParticleProtocol>CC3UniformlyMovingParticleProtocol is a particle that moves in a straight line in a single direction at a steady speed
<CC3UniformlyRotatingParticleProtocol>CC3UniformlyRotatingParticleProtocol defines behaviour required for particles that are configured to rotate at a constant rate
CC3UniformMotionParticleDeprecated and renamed to CC3SprayPointParticle
CC3VariegatedPointParticleCC3VariegatedPointParticle is the type of particle emitted by a CC3VariegatedPointParticleHoseEmitter
CC3VariegatedPointParticleHoseEmitterCC3VariegatedPointParticleHoseEmitter is a type of CC3PointParticleEmitter whose particles can have a color and size that evolves during the lifetime of the particle
<CC3VariegatedPointParticleProtocol>CC3VariegatedPointParticleProtocol is used by the CC3VariegatedPointParticleHoseEmitter, and combines the CC3UniformlyGrowingPointParticleProtocol and CC3UniformlyFadingParticleProtocol protocols, and is a particle that steadily changes size and color
CC3VectorA vector in 3D space
CC3Vector4A homogeneous vector in 4D graphics matrix space
CC3VertexArrayCC3VertexArray manages the content associated with an aspect of a vertex
CC3VertexArrayContentCC3VertexArrayContent contains the vertex content data on behalf of a CC3VertexArray
CC3VertexArrayMeshA CC3VertexArrayMesh is a mesh whose mesh data is kept in a set of CC3VertexArrays instances
CC3VertexArrayMeshModelDeprecated and renamed to CC3VertexArrayMesh
CC3VertexColorsA CC3VertexArray that manages the per-vertex color aspect of an array of vertices
CC3VertexIndicesA CC3VertexArray that manages the drawing indices of an array of vertices
CC3VertexLocationsA CC3VertexArray that manages the location aspect of an array of vertices
CC3VertexLocationsBoundingBoxVolumeCC3VertexLocationsBoundingBoxVolume is a type of CC3NodeBoundingBoxVolume specialized for use with CC3VertexArrayMesh and CC3VertexLocations
CC3VertexLocationsBoundingVolumeCC3VertexLocationsBoundingVolume is a type of CC3NodeBoundingVolume specialized for use with CC3VertexArrayMesh and CC3VertexLocations
CC3VertexLocationsSphericalBoundingVolumeCC3VertexLocationsSphericalBoundingVolume is a type of CC3NodeSphericalBoundingVolume specialized for use with CC3VertexArrayMesh and CC3VertexLocations
CC3VertexMatrixIndicesA CC3VertexArray that manages a collection of indices used by each vertex to point to a collection of distinct matrices during vertex skinning
CC3VertexNormalsA CC3VertexArray that manages the normal aspect of an array of vertices
CC3VertexPointSizesA CC3VertexArray that manages the point sizes aspect of an array of point sprite vertices
CC3VertexTextureCoordinatesA CC3VertexArray that manages the texture coordinates aspect of an array of vertices
CC3VertexWeightsA CC3VertexArray that manages a collection of weights used by each vertex during vertex skinning, which is the manipulation of a soft-body mesh under control of a skeleton of bone nodes
CC3ViewportGL viewport data
CC3ViewportManagerCC3ViewportManager manages the GL viewport and device orientation for the 3D scene, including handling coordinate system rotation based on the device orientation, and conversion of locations and points between the 3D and 2D coordinate systems
CC3WireframeBoundingBoxNodeCC3WireframeBoundingBoxNode is a type of CC3LineNode specialized for drawing a wireframe bounding box around another node
CC3WireframeLocalContentBoundingBoxNodeCC3WireframeLocalContentBoundingBoxNode is a CC3WireframeBoundingBoxNode that further specializes in drawing a bounding box around the local content of another node with local content
CC3WorldDeprecated and renamed to CC3Scene
CCActionInterval(CC3)Extension category to support cocos3d
CCArray(CC3)Extension category to support cocos3d functionality
CCDirector(CC3)Extension category to support cocos3d functionality
CCLayer(CC3)Extension category to support cocos3d functionality
CCMenu(CC3)Extension category to support cocos3d functionality
CCNode(CC3)Extension category to support cocos3d functionality
CCNode(CC3Billboard)CCNode extension to support embedding 2D CCNodes in the 3D scene
CCNode(CC3UIViewController)Extension to CCNode to support structural node hierarchies containing controlled nodes
CCTexture2D(CC3Texture)This extension adds behaviour to support the use of a CCTexture2D instance as a component of a CC3Texture
<ControlledCCNodeProtocol>Deprecated and unused
EAGLView(CC3)This extension category adds support for node-picking while multisampling antialiasing is active, by defining the interface required by that support
NSObject(CC3)Extension category to support cocos3d functionality
UIColor(CC3)Extension category to support cocos3d functionality
UIGestureRecognizer(CC3)Extension category to support cocos3d functionality
UIPanGestureRecognizer(CC3)Extension category to support cocos3d functionality
UIViewController(CC3ControllableLayer)UIViewController extension to support CC3ControllableLayer nodes