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CC3Texture Class Reference

Each instance of CC3Texture wraps a cocos2d CCTexture2D instance, and manages various texture settings, and applying that texture to the GL engine. More...

#import <CC3Texture.h>

Inheritance diagram for CC3Texture:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for CC3Texture:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(void) - drawWithVisitor:
(void) - generateMipmap
(id) - initFromFile:
(id) - initWithName:fromFile:
(id) - initWithTag:fromFile:
(id) - initWithTag:withName:fromFile:
(BOOL) - loadTextureFile:

Static Public Member Functions

(ccTexParams) + defaultTextureParameters
(void) + setDefaultTextureParameters:
(void) + setShouldGenerateMipmaps:
(BOOL) + shouldGenerateMipmaps
(id) + textureFromFile:
(id) + textureWithName:fromFile:
(id) + textureWithTag:fromFile:
(id) + textureWithTag:withName:fromFile:
(void) + unbind
(void) + unbind:
(void) + unbindRemainingFrom:


BOOL hasMipmap
BOOL hasPremultipliedAlpha
GLenum horizontalWrappingFunction
BOOL isBumpMap
BOOL isFlippedVertically
CC3Vector lightDirection
GLenum magnifyingFunction
CGSize mapSize
GLenum minifyingFunction
CCTexture2D * texture
ccTexParams textureParameters
GLenum verticalWrappingFunction

Detailed Description

Each instance of CC3Texture wraps a cocos2d CCTexture2D instance, and manages various texture settings, and applying that texture to the GL engine.

To improve both performance and texture quality, by default, instances generate a mipmap of the underlying CCTexture2D when a texture is loaded through this instance. If you do not want mipmaps to be automatically generated, set the class-side shouldGenerateMipmaps property to NO. With automatic mipmap generation turned off, you can selectively generate a mipmap by using the generateMipmap method on any single CC3Texture instance. In addition, textures that contain mipmaps within the file content (PVR files may contain mipmaps) will retain and use this mipmap. See the shouldGenerateMipmaps and hasMipmap properties, and the generateMipmap method for more information.

Under iOS, most texture formats are loaded updside-down. This is because the vertical axis of the coordinate system of OpenGL is inverted relative to the iOS view coordinate system. The isFlippedVerically property can be used to ensure that textures are displayed with the correct orientation. When a CC3Texture is applied to a mesh, the mesh will be adjusted automatically if the texture is vertically flipped.

In most cases, a material will hold a single instance of CC3Texture in the texture property to provide a simple single-texture surface. This is the most common application of textures to a material.

For more sophisticated surfaces, materials also support multi-texturing, where more than one instance of CC3Texture is added to the material. With multi-texturing, several textures can be combined in flexible, customized fashion, permitting sophisticated surface effects.

With OpenGL, multi-texturing is processed by a chain of texture units. The material's first texture is processed by the first texture unit (texture unit zero), and subsequent textures held in the material are processed by subsequent texture units, in the order in which the textures were added to the material.

Each texture unit combines its texture with the output of the previous texture unit in the chain. Combining textures is quite flexible under OpenGL, and there are many ways that each texture can be combined with the output of the previous texture unit. The way that a particular texture combines with the previous textures is defined by an instance of CC3TextureUnit, held in the textureUnit property of each texture that was added to the material.

For example, to configure a material for bump-mapping, add a texture that contains a normal vector at each pixel instead of a color, and set the textureUnit property of the texture to a CC3BumpMapTextureUnit. Then add another texture, containing the image that will be visible, to the material. The material will combine these two textures, as specified by the CC3TextureUnit held by the second texture.

Member Function Documentation

+ (ccTexParams) defaultTextureParameters

The default values for the textureParameters property (with the initial values of this class-side property):

  • minifyingFunction (GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST)
  • magnifyingFunction (GL_LINEAR)
  • horizontalWrappingFunction (GL_REPEAT)
  • shouldRepeatVertically (GL_REPEAT)

- (void) drawWithVisitor: (CC3NodeDrawingVisitor *)  visitor

If the texture property is not nil, draws the texture to the GL engine as follows:

  • Binds the texture to the next available GL texture unit in the GL engine.

  • Binds the textureUnit to the GL texture unit to configure how the GL texture unit will combine this texture with the output of any previous texture units when multiple texures are overlaid on a single material. If the textureUnit property is nil, the default single-texture configuration is established via the class-side bindDefaultTo: method of CC3TextureUnit.
  • Increments the textureUnit property of the specfied visitor to indicate that this texture has used one of the GL texture units, and that any further textures for the same material should use different GL texture units.
- (void) generateMipmap

Generates a mipmap for the contained CCTexture2D, if needed, by invoking the generateMipmapIfNeeded method on the contained CCTexture2D.

It is safe to invoke this method more than once, because it will only generate a mipmap if a mipmap has not yet been generated.

If the contained texture is an instance of CCTexture2D that was assigned to this instance via the texture property, be aware that some formats (notably PVR) may already contain mipmaps in the content loaded from file. In this case, it is up to the application to set the hasMipmap property of the CCTexture2D to YES before invoking this method.

If the contained texture is an instance of the CC3Texture2D subclass, its hasMipmap property will have been accurately set during loading, and there is no need for the application to set it prior to invoking this method.

- (id) initFromFile: (NSString *)  aFilePath

Initializes this instance by loading the texture file at the specified file path.

The specified file path may be either an absolute path, or a path relative to the application resource directory. If the file is located directly in the application resources directory, the specified file path can simply be the name of the file.

The name of this instance is set to the unqualified file name from the specified file path and the tag is set to an automatically generated unique tag value.

Returns nil if the file could not be loaded.

If the class-side shouldGenerateMipmaps property is set to YES, and the texture file does not already contain a mipmap, a mipmap will be generated for the texture automatically.

Each texture file is globally cached upon loading. Invoking this method on multiple instances of CC3Texture with the same file path will only load the file once. All instances that have invoked this method on the same file path will share the same instance of the underlying CCTexture2D held in the texture property.

- (id) initWithName: (NSString *)  aName
fromFile: (NSString *)  aFilePath 

Initializes this instance by loading the texture file at the specified file path.

The specified file path may be either an absolute path, or a path relative to the application resource directory. If the file is located directly in the application resources directory, the specified file path can simply be the name of the file.

The name of this instance is set to the specified name and the tag is set to an automatically generated unique tag value.

Returns nil if the file could not be loaded.

If the class-side shouldGenerateMipmaps property is set to YES, and the texture file does not already contain a mipmap, a mipmap will be generated for the texture automatically.

Each texture file is globally cached upon loading. Invoking this method on multiple instances of CC3Texture with the same file path will only load the file once. All instances that have invoked this method on the same file path will share the same instance of the underlying CCTexture2D held in the texture property.

- (id) initWithTag: (GLuint)  aTag
fromFile: (NSString *)  aFilePath 

Initializes this instance by loading the texture file at the specified file path.

The specified file path may be either an absolute path, or a path relative to the application resource directory. If the file is located directly in the application resources directory, the specified file path can simply be the name of the file.

The name of this instance is set to the unqualified file name from the specified file path and the tag is set to the specified value.

Returns nil if the file could not be loaded.

If the class-side shouldGenerateMipmaps property is set to YES, and the texture file does not already contain a mipmap, a mipmap will be generated for the texture automatically.

Each texture file is globally cached upon loading. Invoking this method on multiple instances of CC3Texture with the same file path will only load the file once. All instances that have invoked this method on the same file path will share the same instance of the underlying CCTexture2D held in the texture property.

- (id) initWithTag: (GLuint)  aTag
withName: (NSString *)  aName
fromFile: (NSString *)  aFilePath 

Initializes this instance by loading the texture file at the specified file path.

The specified file path may be either an absolute path, or a path relative to the application resource directory. If the file is located directly in the application resources directory, the specified file path can simply be the name of the file.

The name of this instance is set to the specified name and the tag is set to the specified value.

Returns nil if the file could not be loaded.

If the class-side shouldGenerateMipmaps property is set to YES, and the texture file does not already contain a mipmap, a mipmap will be generated for the texture automatically.

Each texture file is globally cached upon loading. Invoking this method on multiple instances of CC3Texture with the same file path will only load the file once. All instances that have invoked this method on the same file path will share the same instance of the underlying CCTexture2D held in the texture property.

- (BOOL) loadTextureFile: (NSString *)  aFilePath

Loads the texture file at the specified file path into the texture property, and returns whether the loading was successful.

The specified file path may be either an absolute path, or a path relative to the application resource directory. If the file is located directly in the application resources directory, the specified file path can simply be the name of the file.

If the instance is instantiated with one of the file-loading initialization method, this method will be invoked automatically during instance initialization. If the instance is instantiated without using one of the file-loading methods, this method can be invoked directly to load the file.

If the class-side shouldGenerateMipmaps property is set to YES, and the texture file does not already contain a mipmap, a mipmap will be generated for the texture automatically.

Each texture file is globally cached upon loading. Invoking this method on multiple instances of CC3Texture with the same file path will only load the file once. All instances that have invoked this method on the same file path will share the same instance of the underlying CCTexture2D held in the texture property.

+ (void) setDefaultTextureParameters: (ccTexParams)  texParams

The default values for the textureParameters property (with the initial values of this class-side property):

  • minifyingFunction (GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST)
  • magnifyingFunction (GL_LINEAR)
  • horizontalWrappingFunction (GL_REPEAT)
  • shouldRepeatVertically (GL_REPEAT)

You can change the value of this class-side property to affect any textures subsequently created or loaded from a file.

+ (void) setShouldGenerateMipmaps: (BOOL)  shouldMipmap

Sets whether a mipmap should be generated for any textures that are loaded via the loadTextureFile: method of this instance, or through one of the instance initialization methods that load a texture.

If this property is set to YES, mipmap will only be generated if the texture file does not already contain a mipmap.

This property affects all textures loaded through CC3Texture. You can set this property to the desired value prior to loading one or more textures.

The default value of this class-side property is YES, indicating that mipmaps will be generated for any textures loaded through CC3Texture.

+ (BOOL) shouldGenerateMipmaps

Returns whether a mipmap should be generated for any textures that are loaded via the loadTextureFile: method of this instance, or through one of the instance initialization methods that load a texture.

If this property is set to YES, mipmap will only be generated if the texture file does not already contain a mipmap.

This property affects all textures loaded through CC3Texture. You can set this property to the desired value prior to loading one or more textures.

The default value of this class-side property is YES, indicating that mipmaps will be generated for any textures loaded through CC3Texture.

+ (id) textureFromFile: (NSString *)  aFilePath

Allocates and initializes an autoreleased instance instance by loading the texture file at the specified file path.

The specified file path may be either an absolute path, or a path relative to the application resource directory. If the file is located directly in the application resources directory, the specified file path can simply be the name of the file.

The name of this instance is set to the unqualified file name from the specified file path and the tag is set to an automatically generated unique tag value.

Returns nil if the file could not be loaded.

If the class-side shouldGenerateMipmaps property is set to YES, and the texture file does not already contain a mipmap, a mipmap will be generated for the texture automatically.

Each texture file is globally cached upon loading. Invoking this method on multiple instances of CC3Texture with the same file path will only load the file once. All instances that have invoked this method on the same file path will share the same instance of the underlying CCTexture2D held in the texture property.

+ (id) textureWithName: (NSString *)  aName
fromFile: (NSString *)  aFilePath 

Allocates and initializes an autoreleased instance instance by loading the texture file at the specified file path.

The specified file path may be either an absolute path, or a path relative to the application resource directory. If the file is located directly in the application resources directory, the specified file path can simply be the name of the file.

The name of this instance is set to the specified name and the tag is set to an automatically generated unique tag value.

Returns nil if the file could not be loaded.

If the class-side shouldGenerateMipmaps property is set to YES, and the texture file does not already contain a mipmap, a mipmap will be generated for the texture automatically.

Each texture file is globally cached upon loading. Invoking this method on multiple instances of CC3Texture with the same file path will only load the file once. All instances that have invoked this method on the same file path will share the same instance of the underlying CCTexture2D held in the texture property.

+ (id) textureWithTag: (GLuint)  aTag
fromFile: (NSString *)  aFilePath 

Allocates and initializes an autoreleased instance instance by loading the texture file at the specified file path.

The specified file path may be either an absolute path, or a path relative to the application resource directory. If the file is located directly in the application resources directory, the specified file path can simply be the name of the file.

The name of this instance is set to the unqualified file name from the specified file path and the tag is set to the specified value.

Returns nil if the file could not be loaded.

If the class-side shouldGenerateMipmaps property is set to YES, and the texture file does not already contain a mipmap, a mipmap will be generated for the texture automatically.

Each texture file is globally cached upon loading. Invoking this method on multiple instances of CC3Texture with the same file path will only load the file once. All instances that have invoked this method on the same file path will share the same instance of the underlying CCTexture2D held in the texture property.

+ (id) textureWithTag: (GLuint)  aTag
withName: (NSString *)  aName
fromFile: (NSString *)  aFilePath 

Allocates and initializes an autoreleased instance instance by loading the texture file at the specified file path.

The specified file path may be either an absolute path, or a path relative to the application resource directory. If the file is located directly in the application resources directory, the specified file path can simply be the name of the file.

The name of this instance is set to the specified name and the tag is set to the specified value.

Returns nil if the file could not be loaded.

If the class-side shouldGenerateMipmaps property is set to YES, and the texture file does not already contain a mipmap, a mipmap will be generated for the texture automatically.

Each texture file is globally cached upon loading. Invoking this method on multiple instances of CC3Texture with the same file path will only load the file once. All instances that have invoked this method on the same file path will share the same instance of the underlying CCTexture2D held in the texture property.

+ (void) unbind

Disables all texture units in the GL engine.

+ (void) unbind: (GLuint)  texUnit

Disables the specified texture unit in the GL engine.

The texture unit value should be a number between zero and the maximum number of texture units, which can be read from [CC3OpenGLES11Engine engine].platform.maxTextureUnits.value.

+ (void) unbindRemainingFrom: (GLuint)  textureUnit

Disables all texture units between the specified texture unit index and the number of texture units that are in use in this application.

This method is automatically invoked by the material to disable all texture units that are not used by the texture or textures contained within the material.

Property Documentation

- (BOOL) hasMipmap [read, assign]

Returns whether a mipmap has been generated for the underlying CCTexture2D instance.

This property simply returns the value of the same property on the contained CCTexture2D.

If the class-side shouldGenerateMipmaps property is YES, mipmaps are generated automatically whenever a CC3Texture2D is loaded via the loadTextureFile: method of this instance, or through one of the instance initialization methods that load a texture.

Mipmaps can also be generated by invoking the generateMipmap method, which delegates to the generateMipmapIfNeeded method of the underlying CCTexture2D.

Once a mipmap is generated for a particular underlying CCTexture2D, all instances of CC3Texture that share that CCTexture2D will return YES from this property.

If the underlying CCTexture2D was assigned via the texture property, and if a mipmap has been generated for a CCTexture2D before it was assigned to any CC3Texture instance, or you know that the CCTexture2D was loaded with a mipmap, you should mark it as such by setting its hasMipmap property to YES. This is not required if the texture is a CC3Texture2D, since it already tracks whether the mimmap was loaded or generated.

- (BOOL) hasPremultipliedAlpha [read, assign]

Indicates whether the RGB components of each pixel of the encapsulated texture have had the corresponding alpha component applied already.

Returns YES if this instance contains a CCTexture2D instance, and that texture instance indicates that it contains pre-mulitiplied alpha.

- (GLenum) horizontalWrappingFunction [read, write, assign]

The method used to detemine the texel to use when a texture coordinate has a value less than zero or greater than one in the horizontal (S) direction.

This property must be one of the following values:

  • GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE: Uses the nearest texel from the nearest edge, effectively extending this texel across the mesh.
  • GL_REPEAT: Repeats the texture across the mesh.
  • GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT: Repeats the texture across the mesh, altering between the texture and a mirror-image of the texture.

The initial value of this property is set by the defaultTextureParameters class-side property, and defaults to GL_REPEAT.

- (BOOL) isBumpMap [read, assign]

Returns whether this texture contains a texture unit that is configured as a bump-map.

Returns YES only if the textureUnit property is not nil, and the same property on that texture unit is set to YES. Otherwise, this property returns NO.

- (BOOL) isFlippedVertically [read, assign]

Returns whether this texture is flipped vertically.

Under iOS, most texture formats are loaded updside-down. This is because the vertical axis of the coordinate system of OpenGL is inverted relative to the iOS view coordinate system. This results in textures being displayed upside-down, relative to the OpenGL coordinate system.

This property simply returns the value of the same property on the contained CCTexture2D.

This property will return NO if this texture was loaded from a PVR texture file, and will return YES if loaded from any other texture file type.

- (CC3Vector) lightDirection [read, write, assign]

The direction, in local tangent coordinates, of the light source that is to interact with this texture if the texture unit has been configured as a bump-map.

Bump-maps are textures that store a normal vector (XYZ coordinates) in the RGB components of each texture pixel, instead of color information. These per-pixel normals interact with the value of this lightDirection property (through a dot-product), to determine the luminance of the pixel.

Setting this property sets the equivalent property in the texture unit.

Reading this value returns the value of the equivalent property in the texture unit, or returns kCC3VectorZero if this texture has no textureUnit.

The value of this property must be in the tangent-space coordinates associated with the texture UV space, in practice, this property is typically not set directly. Instead, you can use the globalLightLocation property of the mesh node that is making use of this texture.

- (GLenum) magnifyingFunction [read, write, assign]

The magnifying function to be used whenever a pixel being textured maps to an area less than or equal to one texel.

This property must be one of the following values:

  • GL_NEAREST: Uses the texel nearest to the center of the pixel.
  • GL_LINEAR: Uses a weighted average of the four closest texels.

The initial value of this property is set by the defaultTextureParameters class-side property, and defaults to GL_LINEAR.

- (CGSize) mapSize [read, assign]

Returns the proportional size of the usable image in the contained CCTexture2D, relative to its physical size.

The physical size of most textures is some power-of-two (POT), whereas the usable image size is the actual portion of it that contains the image. The value returned by this method contains two fractional floats (u & v), each between zero and one, representing the proportional size of the usable image

As an example, an image whose dimensions are actually 320 x 480 pixels will result in a texture that is 512 x 512 pixels, and the mapSize returned by this method will be {0.625, 0.9375}, calculated from {320/512, 480/512}.

- (GLenum) minifyingFunction [read, write, assign]

The minifying function to be used whenever a pixel being textured maps to an area greater than one texel.

This property must be one of the following values:

  • GL_NEAREST: Uses the texel nearest to the center of the pixel.
  • GL_LINEAR: Uses a weighted average of the four closest texels.
  • GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST: Uses GL_NEAREST on the mipmap that is closest in size.
  • GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST: Uses GL_LINEAR on the mipmap that is closest in size.
  • GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR: Uses GL_NEAREST on the two mipmaps that are closest in size, then uses the weighted average of the two results.
  • GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR: Uses GL_LINEAR on the two mipmaps that are closest in size, then uses the weighted average of the two results.

The last four values above require that a mipmap be available, as indicated by the hasMipmap property. If one of those value is set in this property, this property will only return either GL_NEAREST (for all GL_NEAREST... values) or GL_LINEAR (for all GL_LINEAR... values) until a mipmap has been created for the underlying CCTexture2D instance, and has been marked as such for this class. See the hasMipmap property for more information about how that property is updated.

The initial value of this property is set by the defaultTextureParameters class-side property, and defaults to GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, or GL_LINEAR if the underlying CCTexture2D does not have a generated mipmap.

- (CCTexture2D*) texture [read, write, retain]

The CCTexture2D texture being managed by this instance.

This property is populated automatically by the loadTextureFile: method, or one of the file-loading initialization methods, but it can also be set directly to a CCTexture2D that has already been loaded.

When setting this property directly, be aware that doing so does not automatically generate a mipmap for the texture, even if the class-side property shouldGenerateMipmaps is set to YES. You can use the generateMipmap method of this instance to do so once this property is set.

If this property is set to an instance of CC3Texture2D, the hasMipmap and isFlippedVertically of that instance will be set correctly. However, if this property is set to an instance of CCTexture2D, you should ensure that the hasMipmap and isFlippedVertically properties of that instance are set correctly.

- (ccTexParams) textureParameters [read, write, assign]

A convenience method to accessing the following four texture parameters using a cocos2d ccTexParams structure:

  • minifyingFunction
  • magnifyingFunction
  • horizontalWrappingFunction
  • shouldRepeatVertically.

The initial value of this property is set by the defaultTextureParameters class-side property.

- (CC3TextureUnit*) textureUnit [read, write, retain]

The texture environment settings that are applied to the texture unit that draws this texture, when this texture participates in multi-texturing.

The texture unit is optional, and this propety may be left as nil to provide standard single texture rendering. The default value of this property is nil.

The texture unit can be used to configure how the texture will be combined with other textures when using multi-texturing. When the material supports multiple textures, each texture should contain a texture unit that describes how the GL engine should combine that texture with the textures that have already been applied.

Different subclasses of CC3TextureUnit provide different customizations for combining textures. The CC3BumpMapTextureUnit provides easy settings for DOT3 bump-mapping, and CC3ConfigurableTextureUnit provides complete flexibility in setting texture environment settings.

- (GLenum) verticalWrappingFunction [read, write, assign]

The method used to detemine the texel to use when a texture coordinate has a value less than zero or greater than one in the vertical (T) direction.

This property must be one of the following values:

  • GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE: Uses the nearest texel from the nearest edge, effectively extending this texel across the mesh.
  • GL_REPEAT: Repeats the texture across the mesh.
  • GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT: Repeats the texture across the mesh, altering between the texture and a mirror-image of the texture.

The initial value of this property is set by the defaultTextureParameters class-side property, and defaults to GL_REPEAT.

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