Static Public Member Functions | Properties

CC3NodeSphereThenBoxBoundingVolume Class Reference

CC3NodeSphereThenBoxBoundingVolume is a CC3NodeTighteningBoundingVolumeSequence that contains a single CC3NodeSphericalBoundingVolume and a single CC3NodeBoundingBoxVolume, in that order. More...

#import <CC3BoundingVolumes.h>

Inheritance diagram for CC3NodeSphereThenBoxBoundingVolume:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for CC3NodeSphereThenBoxBoundingVolume:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

(id) + boundingVolumeWithSphere:andBox:
(id) + vertexLocationsSphereandBoxBoundingVolume



Detailed Description

CC3NodeSphereThenBoxBoundingVolume is a CC3NodeTighteningBoundingVolumeSequence that contains a single CC3NodeSphericalBoundingVolume and a single CC3NodeBoundingBoxVolume, in that order.

The spherical bounding volume is tested first, and if it passes, the bounding box volume is tested next. This combination benefits from the fast testing capabilities of the spherical bounding volume to reject obvious intersection failures, and benefits from the bounding box's more accurate volume coverage on most meshes.

Member Function Documentation

+ (id) boundingVolumeWithSphere: (CC3NodeSphericalBoundingVolume *)  sphereBV
andBox: (CC3NodeBoundingBoxVolume *)  boxBV 

Allocates and returns an autoreleased instance containing the specified bounding volumes.

+ (id) vertexLocationsSphereandBoxBoundingVolume

Allocates and initializes an autoreleased instance that contains a spherical bounding volume and a bounding box volume, each of which determines its boundaries from the vertexLocations of a mesh of type CC3VertexArrayMesh.

Property Documentation

- (CC3NodeBoundingBoxVolume*) boxBoundingVolume [read, assign]

The box bounding volume that is tested only if the test against the spherical bounding volume passes.

- (CC3NodeSphericalBoundingVolume*) sphericalBoundingVolume [read, assign]

The spherical bounding volume that is tested first.

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