
CC3ParticleSamples.h File Reference

#import "CC3Particles.h"


class  CC3HoseParticleNavigator
 CC3HoseParticleNavigator confgures particles that support the CC3SprayParticleProtocol to be emitted in a stream, as if from the nozzle of a hose. More...
protocol  <CC3MortalParticleProtocol>
 CC3MortalParticleProtocol extends CC3ParticleProtocol to allow a particle to be configured with a finite life. More...
class  CC3RandomMortalParticleNavigator
 CC3RandomMortalParticleNavigator confgures the lifeSpan property of particles that conform to the CC3MortalParticleProtocol. More...
protocol  <CC3SprayParticleProtocol>
 CC3SprayParticleProtocol combines the CC3UniformlyMovingParticleProtocol and CC3MortalParticleProtocol protocols, and represents a particle that moves in a straight line at a steady speed and has a finite life, as if a particle sprayed from a nozzle. More...
protocol  <CC3UniformlyFadingParticleProtocol>
 CC3UniformlyFadingParticleProtocol defines behaviour required for particles that can fade uniformly from one color to another, or one level of opacity to another. More...
protocol  <CC3UniformlyMovingParticleProtocol>
 CC3UniformlyMovingParticleProtocol is a particle that moves in a straight line in a single direction at a steady speed. More...
protocol  <CC3UniformlyRotatingParticleProtocol>
 CC3UniformlyRotatingParticleProtocol defines behaviour required for particles that are configured to rotate at a constant rate. More...

Detailed Description