cocos3d  2.0.0
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CC3SkeletonRestPoseBindingVisitor Class Reference

#import <CC3VertexSkinning.h>

Inheritance diagram for CC3SkeletonRestPoseBindingVisitor:
Inheritance graph

Additional Inherited Members

- Instance Methods inherited from CC3NodeTransformingVisitor
(CC3Matrix *) - parentTansformMatrixFor:
- Class Methods inherited from CC3NodeVisitor
(id) + visitor
- Properties inherited from CC3NodeTransformingVisitor
BOOL isTransformDirty
BOOL shouldLocalizeToStartingNode
BOOL shouldRestoreTransforms

Detailed Description

CC3SkeletonRestPoseBindingVisitor is a CC3NodeVisitor that is passed to an assembly of bone nodes (a skeleton) in order to establish the rest pose transforms for the bones in the skeleton.

The skeleton rest pose is calculated relative to the containing CC3SoftBodyNode. This visitor is initialized with the shouldLocalizeToStartingNode set to YES. The visit should be initialized on a CC3SoftBodyNode.

CC3SoftBodyNode makes use of a CC3SkeletonRestPoseBindingVisitor to cause the bone and skin mesh node rest pose transform matrices to be cached.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: