Cocos3D  2.0.1
List of all members
CC3ShadowDrawingVisitor Class Reference

#import <CC3ShadowVolumes.h>

Inheritance diagram for CC3ShadowDrawingVisitor:
Inheritance graph

Additional Inherited Members

- Instance Methods inherited from CC3NodeDrawingVisitor
(void) - alignShotWith:
(void) - bindEnvironmentalTextures
(void) - clearCCRenderers
(void) - clearGL
(void) - disableUnusedTextureUnits
(void) - draw:
(const CC3Matrix4x3 *) - eyeSpaceBoneMatrixAt:
(const CC3Matrix4x3 *) - globalBoneMatrixAt:
(void) - increment2DTextureUnit
(void) - incrementCubeTextureUnit
(const CC3Matrix4x3 *) - modelSpaceBoneMatrixAt:
(void) - populateLayerTransformMatrixFrom:
(void) - populateModelMatrixFrom:
(void) - populateProjMatrixFrom:
(void) - populateViewMatrixFrom:
(void) - resetTextureUnits
(CC3Vector- transformGlobalLocationToEyeSpace:
(CC3Vector- transformGlobalLocationToModelSpace:
- Class Methods inherited from CC3NodeVisitor
(id) + visitor
- Properties inherited from CC3NodeDrawingVisitor
GLuint current2DTextureUnit
ccColor4F currentColor
ccColor4B currentColor4B
GLuint currentCubeTextureUnit
id< CC3RenderSurfacedefaultRenderSurface
CCTime deltaTime
BOOL isDrawingEnvironmentMap
const GLKMatrix4 * layerTransformMatrix
const CC3Matrix4x3modelMatrix
const CC3Matrix4x3modelViewMatrix
const CC3Matrix4x4modelViewProjMatrix
const CC3Matrix4x4projMatrix
id< CC3RenderSurfacerenderSurface
BOOL shouldDecorateNode
const CC3Matrix4x3viewMatrix
const CC3Matrix4x4viewProjMatrix

Detailed Description

CC3ShadowDrawingVisitor is a CC3NodeDrawingVisitor that is passed to a shadow node for drawing shadows.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: