
CC3BoundingVolumes.h File Reference

#import "CC3Node.h"


class  CC3NodeBoundingArea
 A bounding volume that defines a 2D bounding area for a node, and checks that bounding area against the viewport, instead of the camera frustum. More...
class  CC3NodeBoundingBoxVolume
 A bounding volume that forms an axially-aligned-bounding-box (AABB) around the node. More...
class  CC3NodeBoundingVolume
 Bounding volumes are used by CC3Nodes to determine whether a node interset the camera's frustum, or to determine boundaries for collision detection during physics simulation. More...
class  CC3NodePointBoundingVolume
 A bounding volume that is simply a single point. More...
class  CC3NodeSphericalBoundingVolume
 A bounding volume that forms a sphere around a single point. More...
class  CC3NodeTighteningBoundingVolumeSequence
 A composite bounding volume that contains other bounding volumes. More...

Detailed Description