Public Member Functions | Properties

CC3OpenGLES11ServerCapabilities Class Reference

CC3OpenGLES11ServerCapabilities manages trackers that read and remember OpenGL ES 1.1 server capabilities once, and restore that capability when the close method is invoked.

#import <CC3OpenGLES11Capabilities.h>

Inheritance diagram for CC3OpenGLES11ServerCapabilities:
CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerManager CC3OpenGLES11StateTracker

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability *) - clipPlaneAt:
(CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability *) - lightAt:


NSMutableArray * clipPlanes
NSMutableArray * lights

Member Function Documentation

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability*) clipPlaneAt: (GLint)  cpIndx

Returns the tracker for the clip plane with the specified index.

Index cpIndx corresponds to i in the GL capability name GL_CLIP_PLANEi, and must be between zero and the number of available clip planes minus one, inclusive.

The number of available clip planes can be retrieved from [CC3OpenGLES11Engine engine].platform.maxClipPlanes.value.

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability*) lightAt: (GLint)  ltIndx

Returns the tracker for the light with the specified index.

Index ltIndx corresponds to i in the GL capability name GL_LIGHTi, and must be between zero and the number of available lights minus one, inclusive.

The number of available lights can be retrieved from [CC3OpenGLES11Engine engine].platform.maxLights.value.

Property Documentation

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability *) alphaTest [read, write, retain]

Tracks the alpha testing capability (GL capability name GL_ALPHA_TEST).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability *) blend [read, write, retain]

Tracks the blending capability (GL capability name GL_BLEND).

- (NSMutableArray *) clipPlanes [read, write, retain]

Tracks the capability for each clip plane (GL capability name GL_CLIP_PLANEi).

Do not access individual clip plane trackers through this property. Use the clipPlaneAt: method instead.

The number of available clip planes is retrieved from [CC3OpenGLES11Engine engine].platform.maxClipPlanes.value.

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability *) colorLogicOp [read, write, retain]

Tracks the color logic operation capability (GL capability name GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability *) colorMaterial [read, write, retain]

Tracks the color material capability (GL capability name GL_COLOR_MATERIAL).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability *) cullFace [read, write, retain]

Tracks the face culling capability (GL capability name GL_CULL_FACE).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability *) depthTest [read, write, retain]

Tracks the depth testing capability (GL capability name GL_DEPTH_TEST).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability *) dither [read, write, retain]

Tracks the dithering capability (GL capability name GL_DITHER).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability *) fog [read, write, retain]

Tracks the fog capability (GL capability name GL_FOG).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability *) lighting [read, write, retain]

Tracks the lighting capability (GL capability name GL_LIGHTING).

- (NSMutableArray *) lights [read, write, retain]

Tracks the capability for each light (GL capability name GL_LIGHTi).

Do not access individual light trackers through this property. Use the lightAt: method instead.

The number of available lights is retrieved from [CC3OpenGLES11Engine engine].platform.maxLights.value.

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability *) lineSmooth [read, write, retain]

Tracks the line smoothing capability (GL capability name GL_LINE_SMOOTH).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability *) multisample [read, write, retain]

Tracks the multi-sampling capability (GL capability name GL_MULTISAMPLE).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability *) normalize [read, write, retain]

Tracks the normalizing capability (GL capability name GL_NORMALIZE).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability *) pointSmooth [read, write, retain]

Tracks the point smoothing capability (GL capability name GL_POINT_SMOOTH).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability *) pointSpriteOES [read, write, retain]

Tracks the point sprite capability (GL capability name GL_POINT_SPRITE_OES).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability *) polygonOffsetFill [read, write, retain]

Tracks the polygon offset fill capability (GL capability name GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability *) rescaleNormal [read, write, retain]

Tracks the rescale normals capability (GL capability name GL_RESCALE_NORMAL).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability *) sampleAlphaToCoverage [read, write, retain]

Tracks the sampling alpha coverage capability (GL capability name GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability *) sampleAlphaToOne [read, write, retain]

Tracks the sampling alpha to one capability (GL capability name GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability *) sampleCoverage [read, write, retain]

Tracks the sampling coverage capability (GL capability name GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability *) scissorTest [read, write, retain]

Tracks the scissor testing capability (GL capability name GL_SCISSOR_TEST).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability *) stencilTest [read, write, retain]

Tracks the stencil testing capability (GL capability name GL_STENCIL_TEST).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerServerCapability *) texture2D [read, write, retain]

Tracks the texturing capability (GL capability name GL_TEXTURE_2D).

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