Public Member Functions | Properties

CC3OpenGLES11State Class Reference

CC3OpenGLES11State manages trackers that read and remember OpenGL ES 1.1 state and restore that state when the close method is invoked. More...

#import <CC3OpenGLES11State.h>

Inheritance diagram for CC3OpenGLES11State:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for CC3OpenGLES11State:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(void) - clearBuffers:
(void) - clearColorBuffer
(void) - clearDepthBuffer
(void) - clearStencilBuffer
(ccColor4B) - readPixelAt:



Detailed Description

CC3OpenGLES11State manages trackers that read and remember OpenGL ES 1.1 state and restore that state when the close method is invoked.

The originalValueHandling property of each contained tracker is set to kCC3GLESStateOriginalValueReadOnceAndRestore, which will cause the state to be automatically read once, on the first invocation of the open method, and to be automatically restored on each invocation of the close method.

Member Function Documentation

- (void) clearBuffers: (GLbitfield)  mask

Clears the buffers identified by the specified bitmask, which is a bitwise OR combination of one or more of the following masks: GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT, and GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT.

- (void) clearColorBuffer

Clears the color buffer.

This is a convenience method. To clear more than one buffer, use the clearBuffers: method, passing in the buffers to clear, instead of invoking several distinct clear*Buffer methods.

- (void) clearDepthBuffer

Clears the depth buffer.

This is a convenience method. To clear more than one buffer, use the clearBuffers: method, passing in the buffers to clear, instead of invoking several distinct clear*Buffer methods.

- (void) clearStencilBuffer

Clears the stencil buffer.

This is a convenience method. To clear more than one buffer, use the clearBuffers: method, passing in the buffers to clear, instead of invoking several distinct clear*Buffer methods.

- (ccColor4B) readPixelAt: (CGPoint)  pixelPosition

Returns the color value of the pixel at the specified position in the GL color buffer.

This method should be used with care, since it involves making a synchronous call to query the state of the GL engine. This method will not return until the GL engine has executed all previous drawing commands in the pipeline. Excessive use of this method will reduce GL throughput and performance.

Property Documentation

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerColor *) clearColor [read, write, retain]

Tracks clear buffer color (GL get name GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE and set function glClearColor).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerFloat *) clearDepth [read, write, retain]

Tracks clear buffer color (GL get name GL_DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE and set function glClearDepthf).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerFloat *) clearStencil [read, write, retain]

Tracks clear buffer color (GL get name GL_STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE and set function glClearStencil).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerColorFixedAndFloat *) color [read, write, retain]

Tracks drawing color (GL get name GL_CURRENT_COLOR and set function glColor4f and set fixed function glColor4ub).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerEnumeration *) cullFace [read, write, retain]

Tracks face culling (GL get name GL_CULL_FACE_MODE and set function glCullFace).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerEnumeration *) depthFunction [read, write, retain]

Tracks depth function (GL get name GL_DEPTH_FUNC and set function glDepthFunc).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerBoolean *) depthMask [read, write, retain]

Tracks depth mask (GL get name GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK and set function glDepthMask).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerEnumeration *) frontFace [read, write, retain]

Tracks front face (GL get name GL_FRONT_FACE and set function glFrontFace).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerFloat *) lineWidth [read, write, retain]

Tracks line width (GL get name GL_LINE_WIDTH and set function glLineWidth).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerFloat *) pointSize [read, write, retain]

Tracks point size (GL get name GL_POINT_SIZE and set function glPointSize).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerPointParameterVector *) pointSizeAttenuation [read, write, retain]

Tracks point distance attenuation (GL get name GL_POINT_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION and set function glPointParameterfv).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerPointParameterFloat *) pointSizeFadeThreshold [read, write, retain]

Tracks point fading threshold (GL get name GL_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE and set function glPointParameterf).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerPointParameterFloat *) pointSizeMaximum [read, write, retain]

Tracks maximum points size (GL get name GL_POINT_SIZE_MAX and set function glPointParameterf).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerPointParameterFloat *) pointSizeMinimum [read, write, retain]

Tracks minimum points size (GL get name GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN and set function glPointParameterf).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerViewport *) scissor [read, write, retain]

Tracks viewport (GL get name GL_SCISSOR_BOX and set function glScissor).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerEnumeration *) shadeModel [read, write, retain]

Tracks shade model (GL get name GL_SHADE_MODEL and set function glShadeModel).

- (CC3OpenGLES11StateTrackerViewport *) viewport [read, write, retain]

Tracks viewport (GL get name GL_VIEWPORT and set function glViewport).

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: