Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Using GLSL shaders in cocos3d
Why are you here?? Visit the wiki article that covers this topic on the new, shinier, and vastly improved Cocos3D website, instead!! cocos3d is a sophisticated 3D application development framework for the iOS and OSX platforms. With the release of version 2.0, cocos3d now supports cocos2d 2.x and OpenGL ES 2.0 under iOS, and […]
Cocos3D Importing: Generating POD Files
Why are you here?? Visit the wiki article that covers this topic on the new, shinier, and vastly improved Cocos3D website, instead!! Cocos3D is able to directly import files formatted in the PowerVR POD file format from Imagination Technologies, the supplier of the GPU used in iOS devices. The POD format is a dense […]
Cocos3D Development Roadmap
Why are you here?? Visit the wiki article that covers this topic on the new, shinier, and vastly improved Cocos3D website, instead!! This post outlines the intended release of new features and functionality to Cocos3D.
cocos3d Programming Guide
Why are you here?? Visit the wiki on the new, shinier, and vastly improved Cocos3D website, instead!! The cocos3d framework is a sophisticated 3D application development framework for the iOS platform. This document describes the framework components and provides guidelines and best practices for building cocos3d iOS applications.
Adding SIO2 to an Existing Xcode iOS Project
Updated (2011/01/16) – Please note that this article covers SIO2 v1.4, which was the original free/low-cost version of SIO2. This article does not cover SIO2 v2.x. SIO2 is an interesting and useful library for building 3D OpenGL ES applications under Apple’s iOS. While not strictly object-oriented like Apple’s Cocoa, much of the OpenGL functionality is abstracted into […]
cocos2d and UIViewControllers
[bw_floater] [bw_download title=”Download”] [download id=”3″] [download id=”4″] [/bw_download] [bw_paypal_donation amount=”10″] [/bw_floater] This cocos2d framework package is a wonderful framework for working with OpenGL ES within iOS. Since it focuses on high performance OpenGL ES code, for the most part cocos2d bypasses Apple’s Cocoa UIViewController hierarchy. This makes sense, since within iOS, OpenGL ES usually plays […]
cocos2d UI Controls
[bw_floater] [bw_download title=”Download”] [download id=”11″] [/bw_download] [bw_paypal_donation amount=”10″] [/bw_floater] This cocos2d framework package includes several useful cocos2d user interface controls and frameworks, including: Joystick – a flexible joystick for user control in two dimensions with a single finger CCNodeAdornments – a framework for assigning adornments to CCNodes to temporarily change the appearance of the CCNode, […]
Flexible iOS Logging
[bw_floater] [bw_download title=”Download”] [download id=”1″] [/bw_download] [bw_paypal_donation amount=”5″] [/bw_floater] Apple’s Cocoa SDK framework for the iOS provides basic logging capabilities through the NSLog function. This allows the developer to log simple text messages to the development console. However, the use of NSLog suffers from two drawbacks: There is only one level of logging with NSLog. […]
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