Classes | Variables

CC3VertexArrays.h File Reference

#import "CC3Identifiable.h"
#import "CC3Material.h"
#import "CC3NodeVisitor.h"


class  CC3DrawableVertexArray
 This abstract subclass of CC3VertexArray adds the functionality to draw the vertex content to the display through the GL engine. More...
class  CC3VertexArray
 CC3VertexArray manages the content associated with an aspect of a vertex. More...
class  CC3VertexArrayContent
 CC3VertexArrayContent contains the vertex content data on behalf of a CC3VertexArray. More...
class  CC3VertexColors
 A CC3VertexArray that manages the per-vertex color aspect of an array of vertices. More...
class  CC3VertexIndices
 A CC3VertexArray that manages the drawing indices of an array of vertices. More...
class  CC3VertexLocations
 A CC3VertexArray that manages the location aspect of an array of vertices. More...
class  CC3VertexMatrixIndices
 A CC3VertexArray that manages a collection of indices used by each vertex to point to a collection of distinct matrices during vertex skinning. More...
class  CC3VertexNormals
 A CC3VertexArray that manages the normal aspect of an array of vertices. More...
class  CC3VertexPointSizes
 A CC3VertexArray that manages the point sizes aspect of an array of point sprite vertices. More...
class  CC3VertexTextureCoordinates
 A CC3VertexArray that manages the texture coordinates aspect of an array of vertices. More...
class  CC3VertexWeights
 A CC3VertexArray that manages a collection of weights used by each vertex during vertex skinning, which is the manipulation of a soft-body mesh under control of a skeleton of bone nodes. More...


static const CGRect kCC3UnitTextureRectangle = { {0.0, 0.0}, {1.0, 1.0} }

Detailed Description

Variable Documentation

const CGRect kCC3UnitTextureRectangle = { {0.0, 0.0}, {1.0, 1.0} } [static]

A rectangle with origin zero and unit size for initial value of the textureRectangle property.